If you’re in the Phoenix area, Mesa in particular, with some time to spare and a rental car at your disposal, try driving down to South Mountain Park and Preserve.

The drive through the park gives you some fantastic views of downtown Phoenix and the surrounding area, especially around sunset. There are lots of lookouts, pullover spots, and hiking trails to keep you busy, especially if you’re in town for a stayover.

Again, if you’ve got some extra time (stayover?) to spend a few hours on a hiking trail, I highly recommend checking out Camelback Mountain north of the city. Give yourself a few hours to get up and back. Take plenty of water, too, because this is a fairly intensive hike, but also one that is PACKED with people of all shapes and sizes. Don’t try to park in the parking lot, though, just find a neighborhood down the way that allows street parking and just take the extra 10 minute walk to the park entrance. Whatever you do,
don’t wait until a few hours before your flight out to go here because, inevitably, you
will almost miss your flight! (It happened to me twice in two months!)
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